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Mother Earth News Magazine 1986 September – October


Mother Earth News Magazine 1986 September – October


Contents:  Garden And Yard – Gallup On Gardening (The result of the great bean poll); All About Green Manure Crops (How to tell vetch is vetch); Compost (Mother‘s “soul food” cookbook); The Composter’s Cuisinart (A guide to garden shredder/chipper/grinders) Home Cooking – A Natural Labor Day Picnic (Fresh air and fresh foods, it’s a “Labor” of love) Country Skills – Cream Of The Country (A new series describing great locations for your country house); A Simplified Site Survey (Plot that plat prior to purchasing) Backcountry – Wapiti (The monarch of the west) Home – Superinsulation For Everyone (The “thermos bottle” home comes of age); Mother‘s Low Cost Housing Contest: Winner Three (The Mason family’s $3.55 per square foot home); Landscaping For Wildlife Habitat (It’s for the birds…and mammals, and reptiles, and…) Workshop – Mother‘s Children (A basic, boy-built minibike); A Dollhouse For Would-Be Country Kids (Playing the fields); Mother‘s Bicycle Wind Trainer (Keeping fit by going nowhere) And More – Pet Concerns (Antifreeze, the palatable poison); Conversations With Mother (The Worldwatch Institute’s Lester Brown) Regular Features – News From Mother (Future talk); Dear Mother (She gets letters); Bits And Pieces (A roundup of relevant news); Country Lore (Down-home wisdom from your fellow readers); Barters And Bootstraps (Home businesses and neighborly exchanges); Ask Our Experts (No-cost consultations); Seasons Of The Garden (The cutting edge in horticultural research); The Backyard Jungle (Controlling the corn earworm); Mother‘s Herb Garden (Flavorings and folk remedies); Mom’s Marketplace; Access; The Last Laugh (Back by popular demand)

Issue:  September – October 1986

Condition:  Very Good