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Modern Photography Magazine 1967 May


Modern Photography Magazine 1967 May


Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Graphics Are Crucial! So Is Emotional Impact! (Two photographers illustrate extremes of photographic style); Discovery; World’s Largest Pictures: Stravinsky By Newman; Monthly Contest (Follow the three B’s – birds, beasts, bricks) News Stories – Leitz’s Milt Freir Dies Technical Articles – Too Hot To Handle (MODERN answers probing questions from the readers); What’s What In SLR? (Solving the mysteries of technical terminology); Ten Color Films And How They’re Different (MODERN takes a sunny critical look at the leading brands); MODERN Tests (An exclusive monthly appraisal of equipment) Movies – Matzkin On Movies (Eumig splicing technique solves some of the problems of cement and Mylar splicing) Departments – Coffee Break; Letters To The Editor; Books In Review; Caulfield On Color (Easy do-it-yourself developing for increased speed with negative color); Contests; Wolfman On Printing (How to store picture books; test of enlarger “rangefinder” system); Keppler On The SLR (Are you really objective enough to test your equipment and materials?); Meyers On Technique (“Normal” contrast enlarging paper? – no such animal; fading light bulbs); Ask For It; Behind The Scenes (Shapes of cameras to come – how about an auto-focus camera? – and more); Techniques Tomorrow (How well can a lens be made? What are the limits in manufacturing accuracy?); Large Camera (Some tips on building your own large format close-up camera); Scully On Basics (Do you know your ASA from DIN? Personal exposure indexes help reduce uncertainty); The Well Traveled Camera (Morocco: not forbidding but colorful); Salon Calendar

Issue:  May 1967

Condition:  Very Good