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Modern Photography Magazine 1966 May


Modern Photography Magazine 1966 May


Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Dramatic Light To Make Dramatic Scenes (Farrel Grehan’s formula for impact in 35mm color); It’s Long, But Is It Good? (Inexpensive long-lens systems – how good are they?); What’s So Funny? (Ideas for making humorous pictures) News Stories – Many Pictures, Few Words (An exciting new pictorial history); Exclusive! (Some startling new photographic development) Technical Articles – Too Hot To Handle (MODERN answers probing questions from its readers); But The Camera Doesn’t See It The Way You Do (Problems in photo perspective excerpt from The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography); And Some Are Bigger Than Others (What’s happened and is happening to the smallest format cameras); MODERN Tests (An exclusive monthly appraisal of equipment); Kodacolor-X: Serious Film Or Only For Snapshots? Movies – New Look For Movie Scenes (Techniques for adding greater cinematic value to pan shots); Matzkin On Movies (Teenagers show their movie making virtuosity in Kodak contest) Departments – Coffee Break; Letters To The Editor; Tony Karp On 35mm (Working with film-developer combinations); Behind The Scenes (Minolta behind-lens meter SLR – new Miranda SLR – new Bronica camera plus through-lens meter); Keppler On The SLR (The truth about skylight and haze filters); Ask For It; Caulfield On Color (Do through-the-lens meters solve all exposure problems); The Well Traveled Camera (Nepal, a country no Orient-oriented photographer should miss); Once Over Lightly (Photo knick-knacks and goodies tried out by the editors); Techniques Tomorrow (Optical engineers solve manufacturing problems); Wolfman On Printing (Good, inexpensive methods for drying prints); Large Camera (Convenience and comfort are the keys to a good darkroom)

Issue:  May 1966

Condition:  Very Good