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Modern Photography Magazine 1966 July


Modern Photography Magazine 1966 July


Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Photography For Inept Sophisticates – (Picture taking made simple); Exposure Problems? Who Hasn’t Got ‘Em (MODERN‘s editors solve exposure – match your pictures with theirs); Closeups The Easy Way (Standardizing setups indoors); Monthly Contest (Go out, young man, for prize winners) News Stories – Business Keeps Photography Straight? (MODERN and Business World agree to disagree) Technical Articles – Too Hot To Handle (MODERN answers probing questions from its readers); Meter, Meter, Where Are You> (Built-in, through-lens, seperate meter? How do you use each?); MODERN‘s 1966 Exposure Meter Directory; Kodak Instamatic Cameras (Here’s what they do and how they do it); MODERN Tests (An exclusive monthly appraisal of equipment) Movies – Matzkin On Movies (A look at new movie lights); Watch The Direction When Cutting; Fujichrome vs. Kodachrome II – How Do They Compare? Tape And Sound – Sound Advice (Microphone placement and handling) Departments – Coffee Break; Once Over Lightly (Photo knick-knacks and goodies tried out by the editors); Letters To The Editors; Caulfield On Color (Control exposure with automatic cameras); Tony Karp On 35mm (A big story about a tiny battery); Books In Review; Wolfman On Printing (Tight-fit darkrooms, testing your safelight); The Well Traveled Camera (Nepal: Where to go to get away from the tourist attractions); Behind The Scenes (New developments in batteries, color blindness, etc. – Swiss Sinar view camera using Copal shutter); Techniques Tomorrow (Optical societies mark photographic progress); Keppler On The SLR (How and why new cameras become obsolete); Large Camera (Tackling the dust problem); Ask For It; Salon Calendar

Issue:  July 1966

Condition:  Very Good