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Modern Photography Magazine 1966 August


Modern Photography Magazine 1966 August


Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Anyone For Paper Dolls? (Darkroom fun of a different kind); See, Take Tele (When and how to make tele lenses do the best job for you); Formagrams (Photographer Dennis Martin makes giant “non-art” images without a camera) Technical Articles – Too Hot To Handle (MODERN answers probing questions from its readers); SLR Cameras Compared (Charts listing features and prices of 35mm and 2 1/4 cameras); What’s New In Tele Lenses (Here are the recent and soon to be optical advances); MODERN Tests (An exclusive monthly appraisal of equipment) Movies – Matzkin On Movies (How to get around Super 8 limitations); Make Your House Move (How to produce a movie around your house) Tape And Sound – Sound Advice (The low-down on cartridge loaded tape) Departments – Coffee Break; Once Over Lightly (Photo knick-knacks and goodies tried out by the editors); Simon (Nathan) Says (What the big boys have up their sleeves); Letters To The Editor; Contests; Tony Karp On 35mm (Some air-conditioned solutions to hot-weather photo problems); Keppler On The SLR (Tele lenses – how long, wide, for what); Salon Calendar; Caulfield On Color (Test yourself to establish your slowest hand-holdable speeds); Behind The Scenes (Gossip from England – ultra-sharp film from East Germany – JCII converts standards); Wolfman On Printing (How to prevent and cure print curl); Large Camera (Wha I like, use, and don’t in the darkroom); Techniques Tomorrow (Electronics will help you get steady tele pictures)

Issue:  August 1966

Condition:  Very Good