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Modern Photography Magazine 1960 September


Modern Photography Magazine 1960 September


Contents:  Picture Taking Ideas – Outer Space Photography From Your Backyard (Dr. Henry Paul shows how amateurs, using ordinary equipment, can easily take photographs of the stars); Portrait Puzzle: Is There One Best Focal Length? (Here’s some advice on how, why, when – and when not to – use the six major focal-length lenses for portraits); Shoot ‘Em At Night (Do night color techniques leave you in the dark? Color expert Norman Rothschild uses imaginative ideas for exotic slides) Technical Articles – Too Hot To Handle (MODERN‘s answers probing technical questions from its readers); MODERN Tests (An exclusive monthly appraisal of equipment); Chaos In Fitting Filters (Myriads of filters, adapters and systems discouage you? Here’s a concise explanation of their types and use) Bonus Section – Color Photography Today (A new book by David Engdahl and Hollis Todd of the Rochester Institute of Technology. Part 1: How the quality of light affects color photography: the additive and subtractive processes: tips on getting better results with transparency films) News – The Big Brouhaha (MODERN visits the Metropolitan Museum’s second Photography in the Fine Arts exhibit) Movies – Hiroshima, Mon Amour (Timing and editing are the key to an impressive French movie); The Movie Maker; Flower Movies Need A Story (These flowers may be rooted to the spot, but your movie can still have action) Departments – Coffee Break; Letters To The Editor; Pictures In A Minute; New Photo Books; Behind The Scenes; New Products; The Well Traveled Camera; 35mm; Modern Color; Ultraminiature; The Large Camera; Discovery # 52: Don Worth; Monthly Contest

Issue:  September 1960

Condition:  Very Good