Model Railroader Magazine 2012 December


Model Railroader Magazine 2012 December

2 in stock


Contents:  Features – How to Scratch build a Wood Coal Trestle (Step by step.), Build a Retail Coal Dealer (A timeless, space-saving destination for loaded hoppers.), A Compact Coal Trestle You can Build (A small-town coal terminal for layouts in the 1940’s and ’50’s.), How to Weather Coal Hoppers (Tips for using an airbrush and acrylic paints to enhance cars inside and out,), A Rural Short Line Junction in HO (This room-sized track plan is based on prototype site maps.), Taking Large Scale on the Road (The Sundance Central is a 40 x 45-foot sectional layout.), How to Build a Deep Rocky Ravine (An impressive scenic feature greets visitors.), Streamliners Along the Mississippi (Famous passenger trains and the upper Midwest inspired the 15 x 40-foot LaCrossed Division.), Trackside Photos In Every Issue – Digital MR, From the Editor, News & Products, Railway Post Office, Information Desk, Workshop Tips, DCC Corner, Product Reviews (HO scale Chicago Metros commuter train equipment from Kato, Walthers HO scale Electro-Motive Division SDS, and more.), Model Railroader Sweepstakes, Trains of Thought, Index of Advertisers and Cartoon, The Operators


Condition:  Very Good