Model Railroader Magazine 1965 June


Model Railroader Magazine 1965 June

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Contents:  Bill of Lading – Add a Wharf to Increase Traffic(A fine facility for the structure-builder, operating man, scenery artist.), Merlin’s Magic – c’est magnifique! (New Orleans music men in Paris build a Louisiana railroad worthy of study.), Tie-cutting Jig (Easily made chopper snips ties to uniform length.), Magnetic Uncoupling for Narrow and Dual Gauge (How to convert Kadees for double action.), Locomotive Highlighting: by Gascayne (For a convincing model, suit the paint job to the situation and the engine.), Thousand Mile Loco Checkup at Minirama (What happens to a locomotive that runs more than 150 scale miles in a day.), Cab Control: The Best for Most (The most popular of the control systems of model railroading.), To Make a Pulpwood Car (Recipe for an easy evening: a dollar model project.), Prototype plans – Masonry Arch Underpass, N&W-PRR hopper car


Condition:  Very Good