Mobil Oil Ad 1940


Mobil Oil Ad from May 20, 1940 Life magazine.

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Mobil Oil Ad 1940Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for Mobiloil Oil from the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company. This ad says “All-Round Protection!” over a fish tank that contains two goldfish swimming as they are being watched by a watchful gold cat. The ad text asks if you “Notice that this fat little fish is safe from every angle. Here’s the point! Your precision-made modern car engine needs this same kind of all-round protection! For even at moderate speeds, it’s a scorching, churning inferno…a torture chamber for weak, thin oil. But Mobiloil is tough, clean, clinging…made to insure engine safety at every vital point under every condition. You get all-round ‘Balanced Protection’ with Mobiloil every mile you drive. That means long enjoyment of all the smoothness built into your engine. Change to Mobiloil. See how it…1. Retards flow. Flows fast at starting temperature; resists thinning under heat. 2. Resists sludge formation. Mobiloil is distilled, refined, dewaxed, filtered. 3. Reduces wasteful ‘oil drag.’ Helps you save on gasoline. 4. Resists carbon formation because unstable elements are removed from the oil”.

Source:  May 20, 1940 Life magazine.