Mobil Ad September 1954


Mobil Ad from September 20, 1954 Life magazine.

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Mobil Ad September 1954Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for the gasoline available from the Mobil Service Stations. The ad has a drawing of a large, red gas pump sitting in front of a scene showing long lines of cars driving flawlessly on roads in the Southwest. The ad headline claims this brand is the “Only Gas of it’s Kind – Boosts Engine Power up to 25%” and the headline at the end of the ad claims that “There’s a Tune-Up in Every Tankful”. It is also claimed that this is “The only Gasoline Double Powered with 1) Mobil Power Compound” and “2) Top Octane”. The things that these will prevent are “Checks Pre-Ignition Ping”“Corrects Spark Plug Misfiring”“Controls Stalling” and “Combats Gum”.

Source:  September 20, 1954 Life magazine.