Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for the New Mobilgas Special, so good because there is “No Other Gasoline Like It”. The ad shows a seemingly giant-sized Mobilgas Special gas pump and we are told that it is “The Only Gasoline Double Powered with 1) Mobil Power Compound – most powerful combination of chemical additives ever put into any gasoline to correct engine troubles and 2) Top Octane – for greatest knock-free power – result of the world’s most advanced refining developments”. We are then told that it “Boosts Engine Power Up to 25% over Results with Conventional Premium Gasolines”. The Mobil Power Compound works by “Boosts power up to 25%”, “Checks pre-ignition ping”, “Corrects spark plug misfiring”, “Controls stalling” and “Combats gum”. We are told that “There’s a Tune-up in Every Tankful”.
Source: July 5, 1954 Life magazine.