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Miracle Ad 1955


Miracle Ad from October 1955 Ladies Home Journal.


Miracle Ad 1955Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad with a coupon that allows you to receive Miracle Brand Stretch Nylons for $1.00 and an opening tab from Kotex. The ad has a picture of a Kotex box, a box that contains a Kotex belt, an opened box of Miracle nylons and a nylon that is being stretched by a pair of female hands. The ad has text that is devoted to the nylons and text that is devoted to Kotex. The ad describes the nylons as being 60 gauge – 15 Denier and having Full S-t-r-e-t-c-h – Top to Toe. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  October 1955 Ladies Home Journal.