Miniature Wargames Magazine No 6


Miniature Wargames Magazine No 6

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Contents:  David Snowden: American Civil War Machine Guns; Jon Skinner: Making Your Own Wargame Figures, Part I; Ian Knight: Book Reviews; Sicily After Dionysins; C.S. Grant: Fighting In Built Up Arenas; Military Developments Of The Sixteenth Century: A Wargamer’s Guide, Part II; Review: Warhammer Classified Ads; Readers Letters: A Whiff Of Grapeshot; Ian Weekley: Model Forestry; Basil Fletcher: Steptoe Rides Again!; Peter Gilder: The Sudan; Rod Robinson: Cross-Sword No. 3 (Solution to No. 2 is on page 30); Mark Clayton: Tolstoy And Morale; Steve Hezzlewood: Table-Top Movements; Steve Hezzlewood: The Melee In Wargames; Andrew Mulholland: Nots & Bolts: Artillery; John Sharples: Figure Reviews; Various Reporters: Convention Reports; R.E.M. Forster: Wargaming The Second Indo-China War; Bruce Rea Taylor: Re-Equipment Of The US Army

Issue:  No 6

Condition:  Very Good