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Miniature Wargames Magazine No 32 1986 January


Miniature Wargames Magazine No 32 1986 January


Contents:  Leslie C. Booth: Late Roman Armoured Cavalry; Ian Knight: Uniforms Of The First Boer War; Peter Clowes: The Seige Of Louisburg; Jim Webster & Jeff Mason: “Fireforce”; Graham P. Skinner: Wargaming The Armada Campaign; Reviews; Ian Weekley: Ancient Siege Towers; Guy Halsall: “Stern Sudden Thunder-Motion”; Mike Blackledge: Messengers In Wargames; Ian P. Carter: Alternative Medieval Skirmish Wargames; Keith Benson: Northern Militaire Report; John Blint: Campaign ’85 Report; Picture Reviews; Classified Ads

Issue:  No 32 January 1986

Condition:  Very Good