Miniature Wargames Magazine No 20 1985 January


Miniature Wargames Magazine No 20 1985 January

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Contents:  Wally Hearl: The Battle Of The Standard; Paddy Griffith: The ‘Rifle Revolution’ Of The ACW; Peter Hofschroer: Prussia’s Strategy In The War Of 1806; Ray Lucas: Armies Of The Russo-Turkish War, Part One; Paul Wood & Rob Baker: River Wars; Chris Best: ‘Clash Of Empires’ Review; John Sharples: Figure Reviews; Dave Tuck: World War II Naval; Neil Clipsom: Lady Of The Mercians; Roy Beers: Cards In Wargames: The ‘Poker’ Approach; Keith Benson: Reflections On Northern Militaire; Mike Blackledge: The Question Of Scale; R.P. Jeynes: Hod Hill; Philip Kane: ‘For God, King Charles And Kent’; Ian Knight et al: Book Reviews; Soldiers Of Fortune: Classified Advertisements

Issue:  No 20 January 1985

Condition:  Very Good