Military History Quarterly Magazine 2012 Autumn


Military History Quarterly Magazine 2012 Autumn

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Contents:  Napoleon’s Desert Storm (Why Western armies win battles – but not wars – in the Muslim world); Silent And Deadly (In 1940 a few dozen glider-borne paratroopers on a secret mission for Hitler captured the world’s biggest fort); When Soldiers Slaughter ‘Something Dark And Bloody’ (Lieutenant William Calley was court-martialed for the tragic My Lai massacre. But was war itself to blame?); Murder On The Battlefield (Wartime atrocities through the ages); Detroit Showdown (In 1812, a brash young British commander took on an aging American hero. One of them earned victory laurels, the other a death sentence); Portfolio In The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death (Roger Fenton’s quiet photographs from the Crimean War); Teacher, Preacher, Soldier, Spy (How the Methodist headmaster of a boy’s school became a Confederate secret agent – and tried to kidnap Lincoln) Departments – Letter From MHQ; Flashback; Comments; Unknown Soldier (Georgia’s King David IV); Experience (Life on a U.S. ironclad, 1864); Behind The Lines (Founding the Red Cross) At The Front – The War List (Commanders from the age of sail); From The Dossier (Pericles); Weapons Check (Pistole 08 Luger); Fighting Words (The language of cruelty); Speaking Of…(Cowardice); Battle Schemes (German invasion of Britain, 1940) Culture Of War – Museum Watch; Reviews (Britain’s D-Day spies, Cold War DVD. Ireland’s Easter Rising online, and the end of Rome); Fiction (Treating World War I battlefield injuries – with pen and ink); Poetry (Conjuring the Iliad‘s war heroes)

Issue:  Autumn 2012

Condition:  Very Good