Military History Quarterly Magazine 2001 Spring


Military History Quarterly Magazine 2001 Spring

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Contents:  Stemming The Syrian Onslaught (An Israeli tank commander’s brigade became a desperate pivotal point in the battle to defend the Golan Heights during the opening shots of the Yom Kippur War); Patton’s Finest Hour (When the German army crashed through American lines in the Ardennes, General George S. Patton saw only opportunity); Matchless Race Of The Oregon (With war against Spain in the offing, a new kind of American battleship steamed around Cape Horn while the world watched in wonder); Thrasybulus And Conon: The Price Of Rivalry (As generals they raised Athens from the ashes of the Peloponnesian War and preserved democracy, but ego and political rivalry led both to inglorious ends); The Scapegoat Of Arkansas Post (The deliberate destruction of Colonel Robert Rice Garland’s military career illustrates how politics often thwart military effectiveness); Ike’s Road Trip (A grueling sixty-two-day journey by a motley collection of motor vehicles would help shape America’s modern highway system); The Tapissier De Notre Dame (Often overlooked in history, Marshal Luxembourg ranked among the finest generals of his age while living a life stranger than fiction); The Kaiser’s Last Battle (Overshadowed by the tragedies of Verdun and the Somme, the Germans’ spring 1918 offensive was nevertheless an apocalyptic storm that would herald imperial Germany’s darkest hour) Departments – Artists On War: The Union’s Medal Of Honor Artist (All but forgotten today, Civil War artist and Medal of Honor recipient Julian Scott experienced the war more intimately than most of his more famous contemporaries); Strategic View: World War II’s Stifling Paradigm (Post-1945 military history was a period of nearly total organizational, doctrinal and technological stagnation, defined mostly by the straitjacket created during the six years of World War II); Experience Of War: A French Lieutenant’s Peninsular War (An experienced infantry officer and veteran of several campaigns, Lieutenant Marc Desboufes found himself at war with soldiers and civilians on the Iberian Peninsula and present during the final acts of Napoleon Bonaparte’s Spanish debacle); Fighting Words: Terms From Military History (Our lexicographer considers some words and terms that came into usage during World War II)

Issue:  Spring 2001

Condition:  Very Good