Military History Magazine 2014 May


Military History Magazine 2014 May

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Contents:  When Maggie Flew With The Forts (Known for her crisp commercial photography, Margaret Bourke-White risked all during World War II to capture the Eighth Air Force from the ground and in the air) Features – Last Stand At Ely (Hereward the Wake defied William the Conqueror from a swampy lair); Cold War In The Corfu (Britain and Albania faced off mere months after World War II); 10 Of History’s Worst Weapons (The Great Panjandrum was pretty bad, but perhaps not the worst); Dodging A Bullet (How a brawl over cartridges nearly cost Britain everything in India); Von Ripper: Painter With A Gun (Rudolph Von Ripper captured grisly scenes and German prisoners) Departments – Letters; News; Weider Reader (Excerpts from Our Sister Publications); Interview (Patrick Halliman: Arlington National Cemetery at 150); What We Learned (From the Coral Sea, 1942); Valor (Wallowing in Courage); Hardware (Mark I Lewis Gun); Letter From Military History; Reviews; Hallowed Ground (Chemin des Dames, France); War Games; Captured (War’s Unexpected Images)

Issue:  May 2014

Condition:  Very Good