Military History Magazine 1996 October


Military History Magazine 1996 October

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Contents:  Personality (Aleksandr Suvorov was Russia’s greatest military genius.), Intrigue (When his attempts to subvert the Roman Senate failed, Lusius Sergius Catilina resorted to terrorism and civil war.), Perspectives (A tragic incident of World War I is commemorated by a macabre monument at Verdun, France.), Reviews (Fitzroy MacLean was an ideal historian for Highland warriors – he himself had added to their laurels during World War II.), Weaponry (The Le Mat pistol was not an elegant weapon, but it packed a devastating punch.(, Best Little Stories (One moment, the gunner was in an airplane, the next he was tumbling to earth in the severed tail section.), Tecumseh’s Last Stand (At the Thames River on October 5, 1813, a charge of Kentucky Mounted Riflemen routed a line of British Redcoats in minutes. Elsewhere, however, Britain’s Indian allies, commanded by Shawnee Chief Tecumseh were fiercely holding their ground.), Colonials Collide at Bloody Marsh (As Spanish Captain Antonio Barba’s grenadiers advanced through Georgia’s Bloody Marsh, they noticed barricades of logs and brush to the north. When Barba sent a few troops for a closer look, they were greeted by a fusillade of British musket fire.), Desert Battle of Abu Klea (For a moment, Maj. Gen. Sir Herbert Stewart’s Deser Column seemed to have held Musa Wad Helu’s Mahdists in check. Then 6,000 more Dervishes suddenly emerged from a dry riverbed and plunged through a gap in the British square.), Expert POW Liberator (On the morning of November 21, 1970, a Sikorsky HH-3E helicopter crash-landed inside the North Vietnamese prison compound at Son Tay. For one of the men on board, Master Sgt. Galen C. Kittleson, it was his fourth POW raid in two years.), Samurai Slaughtered at Nagashino (No Japanese warlord had ever relied on matchlock-armed peasant soldiers to the extent that Oda Mobunga did facing Takeda Katsuyori’s crack horsemen on June 29, 1575. But then, nobody had deployed them in alternating ranks, firing in volleys.)

Issue:  October 1996

Condition:  Very Good