Military History Magazine 1994 August


Military History Magazine 1994 August

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Contents:  Weaponry (Under a castle-like church in a picturesque German town, something was “cooking” – uranium.), Espionage (Little did British General Charles Cornwallis suspect that the slave he employed as a spy was already working for the other side.), Perspectives (A former French emperor reaches back over the centuries to analyze Julius Caesar’s Commentaries on the Gallic War, By Napoleon Bonaparte.), Reviews (Some of Military History’s contributors have gone on to bigger things – as the authors of books.), Personality (Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haid claimed “I have only been the instrument to carry out the Almighty’s intentions”.), Travel (Once “caught in the backwash” of history, Fort Hudson is now one of the best preserved Civil War battlefields.), Victory Never To Be Forgotten (Long after Sir Arthur Wellesley had become the Duke of Wellington, long after his triumphs in Spain and at Waterloo, he was asked to cite the best thing he had ever done in battle. Without hesitation, he replied, “Assaye”.), Sent Into Action Unprepared (The B-24 aircrews of the 449th Bomb Group paid a heavy price for their inadequate training. “In a little less than six months” recalled navigator Don Currier, “of the 17 crews that I went overseas with, 10 were shot down.”), Generals at Odds (James Longstreet disagreed with General Robert E. Lee’s decision to attack at Gettysburg: “If the enemy is there, it will be because he is anxious that we should attack him – a good reason, in my judgement, for not doing so.’), Rout Finally Achieved (By August 11, 1950, North Korea attackers were infiltrating all around Yongsan. “There are dozens of enemy and American forces all over the area,” remarked one American regimental commander, “and they are surrounding each other.”), Illustrating War (In 1190 BC, Pharaoh Ramses III was concerned with depicting his enemies being slaughtered and scattered. In 1982 AD, Prince Andrew just wanted his role in the Falklands War portrayed as it was – no more, no less.)

Issue:  August 1994

Condition:  Very Good