Military History Magazine 1992 August


Military History Magazine 1992 August

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Contents:  Editorial, Letters, Espionage (In 1253, a corpulent friar set out to go where no European army would dare go – to the court of the Mongol Khan,), Personality (Mikhail Skobelev believed that a leader’s function was to lead, and he did so at the head of his troops while prominently dressed in white.), Weaponry (The Monitor’s progeny went on to make history of their own.), Books (Philip H. Sheridan was a brilliant – but ruthless – general.), Travel (Hadrian’s Wall was built to “separate the Romans from the barbarians”.), Day of the Storm Trooper (Colonel Georg Bruchmiller had composed a special Wagnerian symphony for the Allies on March 21, 1918 – combining precise combinations of poison gas and high explosives.), Enemy Hidden in Bush (hen Sir Henry Smith warned the hostile Xhosa tht shiploads of troops could be in South Africa in four days, one of their chiefs pointedly asked if he had any ships that could sail into the Amatola Mountains.), High Ground at Stake (Seeing his men panicking from a rumor that he had been killed, Duke William raised his helmet and shouted: “Look at me well! I am still alive and by the grace of God I shall yet prove victor”>), Ghost Front Attack (SS Ohersturmbadinfurer Joachim Peiper was not pleased to learn that three assaults by German paratroops had been thrown back near Lanzerath. He would have been less pleased to learn that 18 Americans had defended the place.), War on Grand Scale (In the years that followed the Franco-Prussian War, veteran painters like Edouard Detaille and Alphonse de Neuville turned defeat on the battlefield into artistic triumph in the Paris Salon.)

Issue:  August 1992

Condition:  Very Good