Military History Magazine 1991 October


Military History Magazine 1991 October

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Contents:  Espionage (The attack on Pearl Harbor should not have been so utterly unanticipated. It was certainly not without precedent.), Personality (Perhaps more profound than his alleged religious conversion was the charges Constantine made in his army.), Weaponry (While the “75” represented French genius on the World War I battlefield, Germany applied its genius to more strategies artillery.), Books (Frederick the Great once said, “It is no disgrace to be defeated.” Provided one learns from the experience.), Travel (Polish destroyer-in-exile Blyskawica joined the Royal Navy in order to fight her way home.), Ancient Tactics Tested (Having overcome the Alps, King Francis I donned his custom-fitted armor and readied his state-of-the-art artillery to tackle an equally formidable mountain adversary – Swiss pikemen.), Regiment’s Pride (The last German push of World War I found Captain Hamilton Fish’s K Company, 369th Infantry, in the “post of honor”. “The enemy seemed to be all around us,” recalled Fish, “coming from every direction.”), Besieged By Thieves (On January 18, 1671, a Spanish army of 3,600 faced an invasion force of 1,200 not-so-common criminals. Despite the odds, the attackers were not about to quit; they’d come too far, endured too much – and there was so much wealth to be gained if they won.), Shogunate Defied (When Commander David S. McDougal’s steam sloop Wyoming took time out from fighting the American Civil War to drop anchor in Yokohama, he found another domestic struggle brewing in Japan – one in which he was going to get very much involved.)

Issue:  October 1991

Condition:  Very Good