Military History Magazine 1990 December


Military History Magazine 1990 December

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Contents:  Savage Land Beckoning (While Spanish conquistadores were exploring and conquering the New World across the western ocean, a band of Cossacks boldly invaded the vast, hostile but economically alluring steppes of Siberia.), Four Months On Hell Island (Adding to the misery of the U.S. Marines on Guadalcanal was the Japanese artillery commander they called “Pistol Pete”. Years later, he would become good friends with many of his former enemies.), Relief Repeatedly Halted (While the diplomats in Peking’s Legation Quarter fought for their lives, a multinational force struggled against rampaging Boxers, Imperial Chinese troops and time to come to their relief.), Glory To The Infantry (The unexpected climax to the Battle of Minden came when two brigades of British infantry marched unsupported into the French center – and into the face of a savage cavalry onslaught.), Weaponry (Equally at home at sea or on rivers, longships allowed the Vikings to plunder Europe with alarming efficiency.), Personality (After Appomattox, Robert E. Lee encouraged patience and reconciliation, while avoiding the political arena.), Espionage (Captured by a U-boat, the young U.S. Naval Lieutenant acquired vital information he knew he must bring to the allies.), Books (The “Myth of the War Experience” helped open the door to a new, ever more devastating, world war.), Travel (Vienna’s dynastic treasures range from Charlemagne’s crown to Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s open-air car.)

Issue:  December 1990

Condition:  Very Good