Military History Magazine 1988 June


Military History Magazine 1988 June

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Contents:  Editorial, Espionage (As possibly the last in “the Great Game”, Frederick Bailey was as elusive as the rare butterflies that he often collected.), Weaponry (Deadly silent, and a total surprise, was this warship’s delivery from her “dynamite gun”.), Personality (The Viking king from Norway struck England just in time for the Norman conquest.), Travel (Rescued from the deep and now under restoration is Sweden’s 17th-century warship Vasa.), Books (A master military historian switches from the ordinary soldier’s view of battle to the crucible of command in battle.), Deadly Diving Accuracy (On the Burma Front, Arthur Murland Gill proved his squadron’s Vultee Vengeance dive-bombers could hit the Japanese with great precision, even in the trackless jungle.), Fleets Threating Approach (Bearing down on England was Spain’s “Invincible Armada” its leaders wedded to traditional strategy of closing-in board. The revolutionary English would try standing off and using sea artillery.), Someone Shot First (Whoever fired that first shot at Lexington, a British officer was heard to yell at his troops: “Fire! Fire! Damn you, fire!”. And they did.), Lion’s Tail Touched (“Little Mac” McCellan stepped on the “Lion’s Tail” when he hastened to catch up with the withdrawing Confederates at Williamsburg early in the Civil War. The resulting battle was a test for little-known officers soon to emerge as major figures of the war.)

Issue:  June 1988

Condition:  Very Good