Military History Magazine 1988 February


Military History Magazine 1988 February

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Contents:  Weaponry (The Union balloonists of the Civil War created a highly effective corps downed only by internal squabbling.), Personality (“Kaiser Bill” would be remembered more for his bellicose statements than his often repeated claims to be a man of peace.), Espionage (By their raid on Monticello, the British dragoons hoped to capture the lingering owner – and author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson.), Travel (At some of the old airfields in East Anglia are nostalgic reminders of World War II’s “Mighty Eighth”.), Books (Both for Japan and Germany in World War II, oil became a most essential commodity.), Timber’s Protective Shield (In wave after wave, the British and their Colonial brethren stormed the barriers barring their way into Fort Ticonderoga. French General Montcalm liked the pathway his enemy had chosen.), Error Through Division (At Sedan, Napoleon III’s France gathered all, gambled all…as Prussian Chancellor Bismarck watched from his hillside vantage point.), Violent Summit Encounter (Among the U.S. Mountaineers deployed to Italy was a German native well-used to the mountaineering tradition. In Italy, U.S. mountain troops would meet their far more experienced German counterparts.), Stressed to Breaking Point (At Blenheim, John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, counted upon his enemy to rush reinforcements to the wings and leave the center open to his main attack. His commanders at either wing soon became heavily involved, the outcome uncertain.)

Issue:  February 1988

Condition:  Very Good