Military History Magazine 1988 August


Military History Magazine 1988 August

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Contents:  Espionage (The thing about Union “soldier” Franklin Thompson was that she was a spy and a male impersonator.), Personality (Even at his own low ebb, Napoleon still grieved for his Marshal Lannes.), Weaponry (The man who generously spared George Washington’s life had created a rifle that might possibly have tipped the Revolution’s scales another way.), Travel (Many were the national flags that flew over the Pensacola Forts at one time or another.), Books (Smedley Butler, winner of two Medals of Honor, was a very complex man.), Every Man a General (In the “Soldier’s Battle”, colonels fought like subalterns, captains like privates, as mere parties of the British met the fierce advance of Russian columns in the ravines of Inkerman in the Crimea.), Field Swept by Lance (On the plains of Carabobo, a final battle for Simon Bolivar would determine the political fate of Venezuela – and the “Great Liberator” of South America’s history.), Order to Desist Ignored (The adversaries were reluctant ones as Horatio Nelson trained his guns on the Danish ships at Copenhagen, but the European turmoil created by Napoleon’s ambitions led to their pounding one another anyway.), Ambush in Hostile Skies (In 1943, a daring aerial rendezvous brought down the Japanese admiral who was the architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Now, more than 45 years later, controversy rages as to exactly who shot down Isoroku Yamamoto.)

Issue:  August 1988

Condition:  Very Good