Military Heritage Magazine 2013 Late Spring


Military Heritage Magazine 2013 Late Spring

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Contents:  Baiting The Russian Bear (Japanese naval forces opened the Russo-Japanese War with a sneak attack on Russian ships at Port Arthur on February 1904. A brutal five-month-long siege followed, with both sides suffering greatly in the terrible conditions); Crusader Disaster At Nicopolis (After Turkish Sultan Bayezid I overran Bulgaria in 1396, Pope Boniface IX proclaimed a holy crusade against the infidels. European forces rallied under King Sigismund of Hungary. The stage was set for a major battle at Nicopolis); “Put The Boys In” (After Union General Franz Sigel moved into the Shenandoah Valley in the spring of 1864, Confederate forces fell back to New Market. On May 15, Confederate General John C. Breckinridge ordered an attack); Alvan Gillem And The Dawn Of The New Army (General Alvan C. Gillem, one of the U.S. Army’s most important and innovative thinkers, led the hard-charging XIII Corps across the Rhine in 1945, spearheading the final Allied advance into the heart of Nazi Germany); Indian Waterloo (Outnumbered nearly 2-to-1, British and Indian troops led by General Sir Hugh Gough attacked the rebellious Sikh Army on the Sutlej River near Sobraon on February 10, 1846. It was the final battle of the First Sikh War) Columns – Editorial; Soldiers; Intelligence; Weapons; Militaria; Books; Games

Issue:  Late Spring 2013

Condition:  Very Good