Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad 1965


Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad from April 2, 1965 Life magazine.

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Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Ad 1965Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the necessity of Life Insurance. The headline asks “How come wives hesitate to talk about the Fourth Necessity?” and has a picture that shows the same lady in four different poses. She is facing the camera as she holds a just-cooked turkey, her husband’s sport coat and a vacuum cleaner while the fourth pose is facing away from the camera with her hands empty. The text explains that, after food, clothing and shelter, comes Life Insurance which is on her mind and should be on her husband’s too. It urges you to “Ask you Metropolitan adviser for a Family Security Check-Up” so that you can see how affordable it really is.

Source:  April 2, 1965 Life magazine.