Metro Electric Company Ad 1927


Metro Electric Company Ad from October 1927 Farm Journal.

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Metro Electric Company Ad 1927Black and white 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad for two of their Metrodyne Radio Sets. The ad introduces a 7 Tube Set to go along with their 6 Tube Set. Their 7 Tube Single Dial Radio was available for $75.00 with a 30 day trial and a three year guarantee. The claim is made that you could receive stations that are from 1,000 to 3,000 miles away and play the sound over a loud speaker. The 6 Tube Set, which is a two dial receiver, was available for $48.50 with the same 30 day trial and three year guarantee. This ad includes a coupon that, when filled out and mailed in, will bring information about the 6 or 7 tube sets to your house.

Source:  October 1927 Farm Journal.