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Men’s Health Magazine 1995 January – February


Men’s Health Magazine 1995 January – February


Contents:  Cover Stories and Features – Older Men, Younger Women (If you’re thinking of tying the knot with a youthful bride, we’ve got some encouraging words for you – and a few warnings); Best Health Ideas For 1985 (Fat-free pizza; a tasty new beer; a quick cure for golfer’s back; and why you should never, ever wear tight pants. Our annual review of health news from 1994, plus a look ahead to 1995); In Bed With The Sex Experts (Want to add a little pepper to your love life? Check out what four female sex therapists are doing between the sheets); Stress Symptoms – Spot Them, Stop Them (When stress strikes, it’s a total-body assault. How to cushion the blow); White Heat (The gold medal workout of Tommy Moe, America’s premium downhiller); 15 Easiest Nutrition Changes (Holiday noshing is over, friend, and the time is ripe for change. A checklist of painless nutrition resolutions you can make – and keep) Special Section: Lose That Gut – The Complete Free-Weight Workout (The minimalist approach to maximum muscle gain. You bring the gear and the will to work hard, we’ll provide the instruction. A detailed guide); Strip Fat From Your Diet (A realistic plan for dropping weight and keeping it off from a man who went the distance, lost 30 pounds and, more importantly, hasn’t gained it back); Best Exercise For Your Belly (Sculpt rippling abdominals – without doing a single situp); Return Of The Thin Man (Strategic style – or how to skillfully use the right clothes to minimize your weak points and emphasize your strong ones) Departments – Contributors (Meet the featured players); Letters (Reader feedback); Real Life (America’s top fly fishermen reveal their all-time favorite rivers for catching big trout); Malegrams (A power-packed breakfast shake; perfect Valentine’s Day gifts; the easiest lower-body exercises – plus all the latest on nutrition, fitness trends, medical news and more); Man-To-Man (What do men want? Ask and you’ll get the locker room response first: “Kathy Ireland”, “a million bucks”, “a Porsche 911.” But press them to open up, like we did, and you’ll get surprising insight into the psyche of the American male. The telling results of our informal poll); Life’s Little Lessons (There’s a frightening shortage of common sense around the country these days. Why it’s gone and how to get it back); Self-Care (Can’t sleep?, Don’t lie wide-eyed in bed; take action. Insomnia experts offer 20 paths to a sound snooze); Clinic (Most ulcers can now be cured. All it takes is some medicine to wipe out the gut-burning bacteria that causes them); New Products (A guitar that fits in your backpack, a golf ball that flies straighter, an electric motor for your bicycle, and more); Letter From The Editor (From television to movies to billboards, we’re constantly faced with the image of the ideal man – with 6 percent body fat. Here’s how to build a healthier body, the right way); Health Bulletin (Late-breaking medical news); Advisor (The high-tech surgeries developed for pro athletes are now available for you and me. Plus, seven muscle-retaining exercises the pros use to bounce back from injury fast); Training (At some point during an exceptionally taxing endurance workout, a feeling of euphoria, peace and relaxation will flow over your body. And you’ll know the buzz of “runner’s high.” How to achieve it no matter what type of exercise you do); Workout (When there’s no time to get to the gym, try these six quick exercises you can do right at your desk); Ask Men’s Health (You question, we answer); Where To Buy (A guide to products in this issue); Uncommon Knowledge (How to make money (magically) on the street)

Issue:  January – February 1995

Condition:  Very Good