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Men’s Health Magazine 1994 November


Men’s Health Magazine 1994 November


Contents:  Cover Stories and Features – Burn Fat Faster (If you trick your body into revving just a bit higher, you can indulge a little more than usual during the holidays and not have to loosen your belt a notch. Five seasonal gut-busting strategies); The Truth About Testosterone (Here’s hormone that seems to get blamed for all the evil men do. In fact, it’s natural, it’s necessary – and we’re lucky to have the stuff); Best Medicine For Men (The quality of your health care is limited only by how willing you are to seek out the best. A guide to some of the best medical centers in the nation); Strong, Fit And Focused (Starting a workout program is easy. Unfortunately, so is stopping one. How to get back up and running the quickest way possible – and just as important, how to get motivated); What’s Your True Age? (Look, there are certain unavoidable markers that the years are, indeed, passing. But a man can either be ahead of the aging curve or get stuck behind it); Excite Yourself (It can be safely said that most of us aren’t getting enough kicks – not just for our mental health, but for our physical health as well. A thrill-seekers guide to raising the excitement level a few notches); 5 Secrets Of Great Sex (Better way to touch, love – even talk to – your partner. A myth-busting report); Steel Wheels (The care and feeding of Pittsburgh Steelers All-Pro cornerback Rod Woodson); Confessions Of An NFL Doctor (A behind-the-scenes look at the extraordinary measures used to keep professional football players ambulatory on game day); Unleash Your Hidden Energy (Learning the natural ups and downs of your body’s daily cycles can make you smarter, stronger, slimmer – and more turned on) Departments – Contributors (Meet the featured players); Letters (Reader feedback); Maleograms (Hot and spicy foods that unstuff your nose; how to soothe a sprained ankle; the right way to start a running program – plus all the latest on nutrition, fitness trends, medicine and more); Man-To-Man (Joining an all-female aerobics class at first seemed like a lark. But our man in spandex didn’t realize he was in for the workout of his life); Life’s Little Lessons (How to buy or sell anything more effectively); Self-Care (Diagnosing and controlling food allergies); Looks (It’s high time you lost that baseball cap and put on a real grown-up hat, a man’s hat. How to purchase, wear and care for a fedora); New Products (Ski gloves that stay warm, ski boots that really fit, golf glasses that help you keep your eye on the ball); Letter From The Editor (The secrets of staying motivated); Health Bulletin (Late-breaking medical news); Eating Well (Fun with food: How to roast franks on your engine block and 14 more recipes Mother may have neglected to tell you); Training (It would seem that extremely gifted athletes like Joe Montana and Michael Jordan operate on sheer magic. In fact, all their “natural” abilities and be identified – and, more importantly, practiced); Woorkout (7 moves that build muscle – without weights); Ask Men’s Health (You question, we answer); Where To Buy (A guide to products in this issue); Uncommon Knowledge (How to win a dogfight)

Issue:  November 1994

Condition:  Very Good