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Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1984 December


Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1984 December


Contents:  Auto – Silence Squeaks And Rattles In Your Car; MI Tests Two New Small Family Cars: Toyota Corolla And Honda Civic Home – Craft Tables You Can Live With; Build A Compact Shop For Benchtop Power Tools; Christmas Centerpiece And Tree Pedestal To Make In Your Shop; 8 Great Gifts From Your Workshop; 8 Great Gifts For The Do-It-Yourselfer; Expert Tips For Beginner Modelers; By Design: Build And Operate Scale Models; One-Evening Project: Wreaths From Vines Departments – Editor’s Notes; Reader Letters; Definitions; Bookrack; Buy Better; Golden Hammer Auto – Behind The Wheel: When Your Gas Pedal Sticks; Car Repair: Keep Your Car’s Battery Strong This Winter; Maintenance Tip: Check Your Drive Belts; Auto Mail Home – Ask MI; Tools & Techniques: Working With Milk Paint; Home & Shop Hints; How To Fix It: Unclogging A Drain

Issue:  December 1984

Condition:  Very Good