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Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1963 July


Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1963 July


Contents:  Vintage Car Supermarket; Big Boom In FFFTTT Guns; City Of Tomorrow – Underground; How To Get An Outdoor Job; Fantastic Fords Of The Future; Put Your Temper To Work Tom McCahill – Mail For McCahill; Tests The SAAB GT 850; Tests The Chevy Impala Regular Features – Outdoors: Best Bass Bugs; MIMI; Inventions Wanted; Bright Idea: Car Vacuum Cleaner; It’s New Short Features – Lop Eared; Sports Car/Viewer-Projector; Concrete Racing Yawl (Cover); Eye-Stopper; Mexico’s Giant Stone Heads; Uncle Sam’s Record Shop Special Projects – How To Stretch A Small Room; Keep Cool – Ventilate; Miniature Steam Engine Home And Shop – Laundry Bin; Kitchen Serving Center; Fresh Paint Tips; Shop Shorts; Workshop Vacuum; Junior Bronco; Home And Shop Shorts; Wrought Iron Planter Automotive – The Olds F-85; Service Tips From Detroit Astronomy – Filming The Solar Eclipse Departments – Dear Editor; Invention Clinic; Golden Hammer Award Winners; MI‘s Hardware Store

Issue:  July 1963

Condition:  Very Good