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Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1960 June


Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1960 June


Contents:  How To String A Tennis Racket; Push-Away Wrecker For Outer Space; Guide To Antique Car Museums; Beach Buggies (Cover); Outdoor Fun Tom McCahill – Mail For McCahill; Tests The New Comet; Tests The Buick Regular Features – It’s New; MIMI; MMI: Backyards Into Fairways; Outdoors; Bright Idea: Electric Lunchbox; Inventions Wanted Short Features – Home-Built Windmill; Will This Car Break 500 MPH?; Submarine On Rails; He Owns 300 Cannon; Lifesaver Shirt; Meet The Queen Bee Departments – Invention Clinic; Dear Editor Special Features – Back-Yard Swimming Pool; Play Pool; In-The-Ground Pool For $1,400; Swimming Pool Accessories Home And Shop – Circular Saw Miter Box; How To Use The Abacus; Telephone Secretary Electronics – The Bachelor’s Wife; Filament Tester; Hi-Fi Woofer Painting – New Painting Products Automotive – Servicing The Studebaker Lark; Service Tips From Detroit Boating – Fewer Fuel Stops Gardening – Garden Hoops; For Your Garden Photography – What Color Film? Departments – Book Notes; MI‘s Hardware Store; Home And Shop Shorts; Golden Hammer Award Winners

Issue:  June 1960

Condition:  Very Good