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Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1954 October


Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1954 October


Contents:  Special Features – Sabotage!; Rebels, Beavers And Injun-Collectors; Toehold In Space; Cover: He Brings Machines To Life; How To Shoot More Game; The Pied Piper Of Texas; Just How Human Are Apes, Anyway? Tom McCahill Tests – Ford Pick-Up; The MG Magnette Regular Features – Money Making Idea: He’s A Rolling Locksmith; Prize Gadget: Walkie Aeratars; Pin-Up Cars; New For The Road; Hr Found A Way: Christopher Sholes’ Typewriter; New For The Home; Inventions Wanted; MI-Stoppers; New In Science Short Features – Wheels Without Wheels; Milking Cows From A Swivel Chair; 35 Years Of Sports Cars; Upside-Down Trolley; Model Plane Masterpiece; Mini-Cannonry; U.S. Army’s Trojan Horse; Bus With Oil Pump Drive Departments – Editor’s Workbench; Inventions Clinic; Dear Editor Crafts And Hobbies – Phonograph – Aquarium; High-Fidelity Amplifiers; TV Table; Flip-Flop Table-Top; Slicing Board; Weekend Projects; Rise-Away Trainboard; Ranch-Style Book Rack; New Products For Your Home; Dig Your Own Well; Hamper; Breakfast Buck; New For The Shop; Utility Cart; Wardrobe Toy Chest; MI Golden Hammer Awards; Jewel Box Lamp; Luggage Carrier; Driveway Gate; Porch Chair; Home Hints; Shop Hints; Built-In TV; Ceiling-Height Bookcase; Double Duty Vacuum Cleaner; MI Home Of The Month; Car Care; Hunting And Fishing Kinks; Sail Care; Boating Tips; Farmer’s Page; Monthly Photo Contest; Photo Handies; Kite Takes Aerial Photos; Prevent Such Tragedies; Amateur Telescope Maker’s Page

Issue:  October 1954

Condition:  Very Good