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Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1949 October


Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1949 October


Contents:  These Hoaxes Shocked The World; Spiders Spun Her Career; Why Not Load Your Own?; Chrysler Builds A Locomotive; New In Science; Flying Missles Can Be Stopped; This Month’s Prize Gadget – Screw-Gripping Screwdriver; Money-Making Idea – His Knees Are His Fortune; Lobbyist For Hobbyists; MI Tests The Buick 40; Death Of A $100,000 Race Car; MI Tests The Crosley “Hotshot”; Hobby Hall Of Fame – Tom Howard; New On The Road; Editor’s Workbench; Invention Clinic; Dear Editor Crafts And Hobbies – Workbench Award Winners; Refinishing Wood Floors; Shellac And How To Use It; Build This ’49 Chevrolet Model; How To Use The Drill Press; Gamin – 15-ft. Cruising Knockabout; Car Care; Home And Shop Shorts; Dry Batteries Aren’t Dry; Paneled Jewel Chest; Electronic Servant; Tool Rack For Your Lathe; Monthly Photo Contest; Heavy-Duty Outlet Box; Sculptured Photographs; Plumber’s Delight Light Stand; Darkroom Aids; Camp Fork; The Amateur Telescope Maker’s Page

Issue:  October 1949

Condition:  Very Good