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Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1948 October


Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1948 October


Contents:  Fighting Para-Doctor; He Built A Helicopter In His Cellar; World’s Most Versatile Rifle: The .22; This Month’s Prize-Gadget; Chop You A House, Mister?; I Rode A Shooting Star; Hobby Hall Of Fame – Leonard Warren; Is This America’s Secret Weapon?; Convertible For A King; Money-Making Idea – My Workshop Can Make You A Million; Industry Puts On The Freeze; MI Test The Futuramic Oldsmobile; New On The Road; School For ‘Gator Grapplers; Editor’s Workbench; Invention Clinic Crafts And Hobbies – Book Ends For Mystery Fans; How To Paint Your Home (Practical tips for the Handy Man); Polishing Metal By Machine (Make your Metalware Gleam like New); Hornet 3 (An unusual model Hydroplane Capable of 40 MPH); Home Hints; Colonial Table (For the Craftsman Who Loves Wood); Amateur Telescope Maker’s Page (Something New in MI); Home Filing Cabinet; Portable Crib (At Least Give the Baby a Home); Don’t Ignore Your Rowboat (Care Now Saves Wear Later); Building A Boat This Winter? (Practical Boat-Building Hints); Car Care; Behind The Wheel (Ask Russell, He Knows); Monthly Photo Contest; Which Filter (How to make a Salon Shot)

Issue:  October 1948

Condition:  Very Good