Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1947 August


Mechanix Illustrated Magazine 1947 August

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Contents:  Grow, Please (He spends his life photographing lions); Shoot Like A G-Man (How to use small arms – and remain alive by J. Edgar Hoover); Eel-Ectricity (The electric eel’s just full of juice); Super Subway (Long long way from Ug’s cave); Fill ‘Er Up – With Synthetic! (Man-made fuels get out and compete); Plastic Makes Them Whole (Surprising counterfeits of living parts); Luxury In A Giant Wing (All aboard the wingliner of tomorrow); MI Tests The ’47 Ford And Mercury (MI‘s auto expert gives ’em a good once-over); I’m Waiting With The Basket (Try driving this way. It’ll kill you); Portable Stage For Hollywood (Next scene? Bring on the next stage); National Crafts And Hobby Contest (More than $2,000 in cash prizes – 18 beautiful trophies – for active hobbyists); The Libellula (Tail-first high-speed jet-powered mail plane); Quiet Up There, Please (Noisy planes are being taught to behave); Collapsible Double Decker (Trailer grows a second story); Jig-Saw Journeys (Chief vocation of a man with 40 vocations); 140,000 Hairs Make A Wig (Star wears wig, studio saves money); Plane Swallows Auto (It opens like a mouth. The car goes in); Dragonfly (A high-performing glider – with an engine); These Are Our Garden Enemies (Raise flowers or vegetables – or insects); Sheet-Metal Murals (Art and Decoration in a sheet of metal); Editor’s Workbench; Invention Clinic Crafts And Hobbies – Boats And Boating (Spend your vacation afloat for real relaxation); Mow Your Lawn – Electrically (How to motorize your old grass-cutter); Desk-Drawer Radio (A one-tuber for the novice); Modernize Your Kitchen Sink (As a basis for a “scientific” kitchen); Howard Hughes’ Racer (A 36-inch control line gas model of Hughes’ famous record-breaker); MI Plans; Ship Model Weather Vane (A Dutch “boeier” gives you the dope on wind direction); Skippy (A nine-foot knockaboat that’s safe for Junior to sail and easy for Dad to build); Shop Ideas (Time-saving twists); Folding Play Pen (Make this one out of ordinary dowels); Car Care (Timely tips for the motorist); Behind The Wheel (With Fred Russell); Auto Tips (80,000 miles without a valve or a ring job); Back Yard Fireplace (For Barbecues and roasts); Photo Contest (Dollars for your pictures); Bathtub Darkroom (The bathtub – not the bathroom); First Aid To Photo Equipment (Adhesive tape comes to the aid of the photographer); Paper Safe (A neat storage bin for sensitized paper); Kinks (Three full pages of photo handies); The Question Box (Send your puzzles in); Home Hints

Issue:  August 1947

Condition:  Very Good