Marilyn Monroe Westmore Hollywood Cosmetics Ad 1952


Marilyn Monroe Westmore Hollywood Cosmetics Ad from October 13, 1952 Life magazine.

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Marilyn Monroe Westmore Hollywood Cosmetics Ad 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Westmore Hollywood Cosmetics. There is a picture of this popular actress wearing a tight-fitting dress and staring with a seductive smile deep into the eyes of the readers while the caption mentions her movie Niagra. The headline claims that she “…discovers the world’s most glamorous make-up…from the Westmores of Hollywood. Shown at the bottom of the ad are samples of its Tru-Glo Liquid Make-Up and tubes of its Lipstick. The text talks about the Tru-Glo, how easy it is to use and mentions some of the features that make it popular with the Stars.

Source:  October 13, 1952 Life magazine.