MAD Magazine 1993 May


MAD Magazine 1993 May

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Contents:  Risking Whoopi Department (“Jumbled Joke Flash” A MAD Movie Satire), Cruising For A New-Man Department (“The Color Of Monotony” Another MAD movie satire), Turner Back The Hands Of Time Department (“Peggy Got Stewed And Married” Yet another MAD movie satire), Stat’s All Folks Department (MAD charts), We Thought The Good Fright Department (It’s really scary to think that), To Air Is Inhuman Department (Stuff we didn’t get to see on TV – For one reason or another), A Place In The Pun Department (Little known world landmarks), Berg’s-Eye View Department (The Lighter Side Of), Hack To The Future Department (TV spin-offs yet to come), Pains In The Ash Department (Other dangers of Smoking), Joke And Dagger Department (Spy vs Spy), The Schlock Ness Monster Department (“The Unwatchables” – Still another MAD movie satire), On-Tray View Department (Sir Puffy’s Placemat), Show And Tale Department (Amazing stories plotlines for Steven Spielberg), The Same Old Bolshevik Department (When American TV programs are shown in Russia), American Band Slam Department (Rock groups on the way up), Great Balls Of Ire Department (Commemorative Christmas Ornaments), Dunkin’ Donors Department (MAD views an Organ Transplant Hospital), Tales From The Clark Side Department (Duck Edwing looks at Superman), Catching A Bad Code Department (Sneaky UPC symbols), Crust In Time Department (Legendary Pizza events through history), Outback To The Video Store Department (“Crock ‘O Dull Dummee” – My God, It’s another MAD movie satire), Renting And Raving Department (Why owning a VCR is better than going to the movies), Marginal Thinking Department (“Drawn out Dramas” by Sergio Aragones – various places around the magazine), The Swill Of Victory! The Agony Of These Articles! Take a Swing At MAD‘s 27-page Sports Spectacular – A Rolling Stallone Gathers Even More Gross Department (“Rockhead IV – A MAD movie satire), Wide World Of Snorts Department” (“Zonk me out at the Ball Game” – A Mad song parody), Tape Me Out To The Ball Game Department (Instructional sports videos we’d like to see), Serge-In General Department (A MAD look at Skiing and a MAD look at Baseball), A Hole In Fun Department (Drama on Page 40), Our Bleacher Presentation Department (The MAD people-watcher’s guide to a typical football game), Jeering Them On Department (The MAD Sports Fan Hate Book), Humor In A Jockular Vein Department (Sport Activities for the Hyperactive), Law And Batting Order Department (Major League Baseball Rule Changes for the 1990’s), Stat’s Entertainment Department (MAD‘s Record Book for Televised Sports – Vol. 1), A Perfect 10 Count Department (Drama on page 56)

Issue:  May 1993

Condition:  Very Good