MAD Magazine 1973 December


MAD Magazine 1973 December

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Contents:  Berg’s-Eye View Department (The Lighter Side of Corruption.), Chop Fooey Department (A MAD Look at Karate.), Curiouser and Curiouser! Department (Malice in Wonderland..or..Watergate Through The Looking Glass.), Don Martin Department (One Fine Day on a Guided Tour of Mount Rushmore, One Fine Day During The Civil War, One Fine Day In The Life Of Leonardo Da Vinci.), Him-A-Lay-A-Bomb Department (“Least Horizon” – A MAD Movie Satire.), Joke and Dagger Department (Spy vs. Spy.), Letters Department (Random Samplings of Reader Mail.), Marginal Thinking Department (“Drawn Out Dramas” by Aragones.), Marking Time Department (Graffiti Through History.), Minor Adjustment Department (A MAD Look at Two Grammar School Generations.), Son Of The Summer Of ’42 Department (“The Clods of ’44” – Another MAD Movie Satire.), Spate Of The Union Department (“Picket and Strike Magazine”.), The Old Crystal Ballgame Department (MAD’s Sure-Fire Sports Predictions.), There’s Bull In Them Bulletins Department (Interpreting The News.), True-To-Form Department (Relevant Job Application.)

Issue:  December 1973

Condition:  Very Good