MAD Magazine 1968 June


MAD Magazine 1968 June

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Contents:  As Mania Goes, So Goes the Nation Department (The MAD “Fad & Fetish” Primer.), Berg’s-Eye View Department (The Lighter Side of Hobbies.), Birth of the Blues Department (You know you’re really parents when…), Don Martin Department – One Day in the Jungle, One Day in an Office, Hoop-La Department (MAD’s 1968 All-Star Basketball Teams.), Letter’s Department (Random Samplings of Reader Mail.), Marginal Thinking Department (Drawn Out Dramas by Aragones.), Pins and Needles Departments (Famous Protest Buttons Worn by Famous People.), Pro’s Prose Department (Personalized Absence Notes.), Science-Affliction Department (The Invasioners (A MAD TV satire.), Status Woe Department (Songs of Wealth and Possessions.), Take Off Take-Off Department (MAD’s “Minor Personal Loss” Income Tax Returns.), Till The Clods Roll By Department (What is a Square?), Tongue-In-Cheek Department (Me and My Big Mouth.), We Rib Bank Robbers Department (Balmy and Clod (A MAD Movie Satire).)

Issue:  June 1968

Condition:  Very Good