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MAD Magazine 1967 October


MAD Magazine 1967 October


Contents:  Apache of Blue-Eyes Department (“Sombre” – A MAD Movie Satire.), Berg-s-Eye View Department (The Lighter Side of the Mating Game.), Don Martin Department (Don Martin Turns on Portable Radios, On The “Tarzen” Set.), Double-Standard Bearers Department (So How Come?), 5-Star Final Indignity Department (TV Game Shows Based on Newspaper Headlines.), Hail To The Chief Copywriters Department (President Johnson on Madison Avenue.), Jeep Thrill Department (“The Ratpacktrol” – A MAD TV Satire.), Joke and Dagger Department (Spy vs Spy.), Letters Department (Random Sampling of Reader Mail.), Marginal Thinking Department (Drawn-Out Dramas.), Seuss Your Old Man Department (The Cats Are All Bats – by Dr. Seuss.), Tee-Ology Department (Psalm for a Sabbath Morning.), Tomorrow’s Mourning Department (Future Complaints.), Trite And True Department (MAD;s Late Show Clichés Movie Script of the Issue.), We’ve Got Your Penumbra Department (The Shadow Knows.)

Issue:  October 1967

Condition:  Very Good