Listerine Ad 1937


Listerine Ad from July 1937 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Listerine Ad 1937Black and white 7 3/4″ x 11 3/4″ ad for their Antiseptic. The ad has a series of pictures that are entitled A Breathless Evening. It starts with a couple sitting around talking about the bad breath that another couple they know seem to be suffering from. This couple is a couple that are frequent bridge partners of theirs so the lady has an idea and calls her carpenter to come over. When he arrives she explains that she wants her bridge table made “two feet wider all around – so people can’t get their heads together”. He reluctantly agrees and when her husband comes home she shows him the results of her idea. He is very happy and compliments her by saying “Corking, Darling!”. The last picture is an overhead shot of two couples, barely within shouting distance, playing bridge with no offending odors. The ad text explains that Listerine helps fight halitosis by halting “fermentation in the mouth, the major cause of odors”.

Source:  July 1937 Better Homes & Gardens.