Lincoln National Life Insurance Company Ad 1966


Lincoln National Life Insurance Company Ad from March 18, 1966 Life magazine.

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Lincoln National Life Insurance Company Ad 1966Three color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. This ad has a photo that shows a loving husband holding his child up in his hands while his wife is laughing at them from behind. In front of them, there is a hand with a Lincoln Penny in it and the ad text tells you that you should “Let a Lincon penny remind you of the Lincoln way of providing for the security and protection of your loved ones. A Lincoln Life Plan can guarantee the income they will need, even after you are gone. Just phone a Lincoln Life agent. His knowledge, experience and friendly counsel can certainly help you make your family’s future more secure”.

Source:  March 18, 1966 Life magazine.