Levi’s Pants Men’s Clothing Ad 1965


Levi’s Pants Men’s Clothing Ad from August 1965 Playboy.

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Levi's Pants Men’s Clothing Ad 1965Full color 7 3/4″ x 10 3/4″ ad that warns you to “Never, under any circumstances, let a girl borrow your White Levi’s of Cone Corduroy. The ad has a picture that looks like it was taken in the stands of a college football stadium where a man and a woman are standing on the top row wearing Levi’s Cone Corduroy pants as another, very unhappy man sits behind them wearing a fur coat and boxer shorts. His glare is directed toward the young lady and the headline indicates that she is wearing his Levi’s but that means that one of them would have had to come to the game pantless and I don’t think he would have any luck fitting into those pants. The text describes some of the benefits of these articles of clothing, mentions the sizes available and at what prices as well as the colors.

Source:  August 1965 Playboy.