Kool Cigarette Ad October 1967


Kool Cigarette Ad from October 1967 Playboy.

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Kool Cigarette Ad October 1967Full color 7 1/4″ x 10 1/4″ ad for the Fresh Taste of Kool. There is a picture that shows two men taking a canoe trip down a river with massive pine trees on the shores and mountains in the background. One man is saying that “When we get back, I’m gonna change my brand of cigarettes. These taste flat.”. The other man, a true friend, replies “You should have said something sooner. Here, have one of my Kools. The bottom picture shows the two men sharing a pleasant moment as they both smoke Kool and the caption says “Come up to the Kool taste. Taste extra coolness every time you smoke.”.

Source:  October 1967 Playboy.