Kodak Movie Camera Ad 1948


Kodak Movie Camera Ad from January 19, 1948 Time magazine.

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Kodak Movie Camera Ad 1948Full color 7 1/2″ x 10 1/2″ ad that promises you “Marvelous movies – first time you shoot” when you use the wonderful Cine-Kodak Cameras. They have the Cine-Kodak Magazine Eight in this ad and it says that it “makes full-color Kodachrome movies as simple as snapshots. Film comes in magazines; exposure guide “dials” the lens setting; fast, Lumenized f/1.9 lens takes wonderful movies indoors and out – slow motion shots, too!”. There are five example-shots taken with this camera. “You’ll want to learn how amazingly easy and economical home movies have become today. One low-cost roll or magazine of film will capture a whole weekend! Ask your dealer for the free booklet, “Home Movies Cine-Kodak Way”. At the bottom of this ad it shows film, a Cine-Kodak Eight-25 Camera, a Kodascope Eight-33 Projector and a Cine-Kodak Magazine 16 Camera.

Source:  January 19, 1948 Time magazine.