Kodak Movie Camera Ad 1934


Kodak Movie Camera Ad from April 1934 National Geographic.

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Kodak Movie Camera Ad 1934Black and white 6 1/4″ x 9 1/2″ ad for their Cine-Kodak Eight movie camera. The ad has a picture of a couple sitting in the Rumble Seat of a car of that period looking at a Cine-Kodak Eight that the man holds in his hands. The woman comments “My, but it’s tiny…it looks like a toy” and the man proudly responds “Far from it…look at the way it’s made…and wait till you see the movies”. There is another smaller picture of two ladies talking about a picture the one lady is holding in her hand and another picture of an elderly couple watching movies of themselves. The text talks about movies being made for 10 cents a shot and the price of the camera being $34.50.

Source:  April 1934 National Geographic.