Kodak Camera Ad August 1964


Kodak Camera Ad from August 14, 1964 Life magazine.

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Kodak Camera Ad August 1964Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that tells you how the “New Kodak Instamatic Cameras load instantly, automatically…and take sharp, clear pictures time after time!”. There are three pictures at the top of the page showing an attractive young lady preparing to take a picture. The first picture shows her removing a roll of film from the box and the headline says Open”. In the second picture she is taking the roll of film that she removed and putting it in the back of the camera, or, as the picture says, “Drop in”. In the third picture she is holding the camera to her eye and focusing it and, as the ad says, “Shoot!”. The ad tells us that “Two surprises await you in a Kodak Instamatic Camera. The first is the astonishing ease with which you load it. Just drop in a Kodapak Cartridge. And that’s all. Instant loading. No film threading. No fumbling. No rewinding. The second, and even happier surprise, is the ease with which you can get 12 beautifully clear, sharp, crisp pictures out of 12. (Or 20 brilliant color slides our of 20!) Choose your Kodak Instamatic Camera from many models. Most have built-in, pop-up flash holder and automatic, electric eye: some even have automatic film advance. Prices are surprisingly low, too – complete outfits from less than $18.”

Source:  August 14, 1964 Life magazine.